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Thank you letter to MOTAT


My name is Odyn and I am in Room 7 at Point England School. Last Tuesday we went to MOTAT. I am writing this letter to thank you for giving us helpers at the school trip.

My favourite part at MOTAT was the tram ride because it was cool riding the tram. I like how the inside of the tram was detailed to look like the 1950’s, and how the doors open. I saw that there was a lever to open the doors from the passenger seat.

Something else I enjoyed at MOTAT was coding the M-bots because we had to code them to battle each other. I liked how we had to build armour on to our M-bots because it was protection when we battled each other.

I really appreciate you helping our classes at MOTAT because you looked after us when we were there. I liked how our group got to know each other and even got some quick laughs.

Task Description: Last week me and our classes went to MOTAT. This letter will thank MOTAT and KPMG for helping Team 4 during our time at MOTAT.

Weekly Response: Navigation


Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. The technique of looking for and locating objects on the shore to navigate is called?


  1. a) Navigation 
  2. b) Dead Reckoning
  3. c) Piloting
  4. d) Lighthouses


2.What is dead reckoning


  1. a) Using objects on the shore to navigate        
  2. b) Recording how far you have travelled in each direction based on a fixed point
  3. c) Using the stars and Sun to decide which way to go
  4. d) Making dead people decide which way to go


  1. Using the Sun, Moon, and stars to navigate is called?


  1. a) Celestial movement b) Global Positioning System
  2. c) Celestial Navigation d) none of the above


  1. Explain, in your own words, how you think GPS (Global Positioning Systems) work.


→GPS uses satellites to track your location. The information from the satellites then go to the receiver aka your phone.


  1. True or False: Submarines use high frequency radiation to navigate underwater.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. What are the people outside of an aircraft who help navigate planes called?


  1. a) Pilots b) Navigators
  2. c) Air Traffic Controllers d) Playstation Controllers


celestial Using directions from the sky. My ancestors used celestial navigation.
global Relating to the world. Global warming is important.
compass A device with a magnetic pointer to point to directions. I used my compass to go back home.

Weekly Writing

In this essay, I will argue that video games should be taught in school. To support my argument, I will use three points; Firstly, gaming can help the person in their communication. Secondly the person’s skill can improve into the sport they play. And lastly, gaming won’t make the person unintelligent.

When you’re coding,  kids can learn to code by playing games. So that they know the simple mechanics of the game and implement it into their game.

 Or if speaking to the school, games can be used to practise their speech like when you are talking to people you don’t even know.

 When you play sports, skill in games can be used to do strategies and position. Games can also help you find people from far away which is good for looking for your teammates in sport. 

For action games, it can make children make better decisions quicker. It can also not trigger the kid to not be violent. 

Games can improve grey matter (Grey matter can be made out of memory, perception, muscle control and spatial navigation.). If you’re playing games at school, it won’t change the child’s intelligence.

Games can teach people how to talk to people, how good strategies can be and learn how to code.