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Fast Rust

Fast Rust Task


Work on this Doc together with a partner.

What 3 ingredients are needed for rust to occur.

Water Oxygen (from air) Iron

Write a brief paragraph explaining the rusting process (why rusting occurs)

You have an iron nail, put the nail in a bowl of water. Now what will happen is that the oxygen in your house will mix with the water. Then the water and iron reacts to each other and creates iron oxide aka rust. The iron oxide will continue to eat up the nail until the nail is all eaten up.

How could you prevent something from rusting?

Using as many coats of paint because the paint will cover the rust from spreading. The reason why you need as many layers of paint is because paint can also corrode after 2-4 years.

Another way is by applying wax as it not only makes your vehicle shine, but it also reduces the risk of rusting.

Write 3 sentences explaining something new you’ve learned from this reading.

I learned that rust happens when you put water and air near iron or steel.

An alloy is when a metal is mixed with an element to make the metal stronger.

Write down any new words you found in Fast Rust or the article about rust. Make sure you learn what the word means and write down a definition you understand for each new word.

Word Definition
Corrosion A breaking down of materials due to a chemical action like rusting.
Molecule An amount of a chemical substance. Like solids have molecules that are in a fixed position.
Alloy Mixing elements to a steel to make it harder.
Compound A combination of 2 elements.
Iron oxide The element that makes rust.

Create a word find that includes your new words found in the journal or article.


ANZAC Day is a holiday which is celebrated by New Zealand and Australia about the soldiers who fought at the infamous Gallipoli Peninsula in World War 1. ANZAC Day is on April 25, the day the soldiers touched Turkish soil.

Why do we celebrate ANZAC Day? Well it’s to honour the soldiers who served Australia and New Zealand in the first world war.

How important is ANZAC Day? When it comes to the two countries, it is very important. We really like to commemorate this day. And if you wanna know why we use poppies it is because the ANZAC soldiers sent poppies to their loved ones.

What do Anzac biscuits have to do with the holiday? Anzac biscuits is a sweet biscuit that is important to the holiday because their wife would make those biscuits during war. The ingredients were simple, which made it easier to take during naval transportations and they take some time to spoil.

My Term 2 goals

My goal for term 2 is to complete as much work as I can, another goal is to come to school as much as I can without getting sick or missing out from an event. Another goal is to show respect and leadership to others by doing the right thing.