Year: 2022

Response: Living the Dream

Living the Dream

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. What does NASA stand for?


  1. a) North American Space Association  
  2. b) National Aeronautical & Space Association
  3. c) National American Sports Association
  4. d) No Aliens Seen Anywhere


  1. What is Mana Vautier’s job at NASA? 


  1. a) Astronaut Engineer        b) Aeronautics Agent
  2. c) Aeronautic Engineer       d) Aeronautics Agent


  1. What caused the space shuttle Columbia to crash in February 2003?


  1. a) was not flown correctly b) damage to right wing
  2. c) damage to left wing d) nobody knows


  1. Describe what the word international means when we talk about the International Space Station:


→A space station that is shared by most of the world.


  1. True or False: The International Space Station is 500km above the Earth’s surface.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. How many times does the International Space Station circle the Earth every day?


  1. a) One time b) Four times
  2. c) Twelve times d) Eighteen times


  1. Explain why the International Space Station has to withstand extreme temperature changes?

→The ISS has space systems that control the temperature.

Writing: Would you rather?

Would you rather go 100 years in the past or 100 years into the future?

I would like to go 100 years into the future because it can be more exciting. Bring in 2122 will be awesome because the technogy is fun to use. School will be different because pencil and paper will not be used. Business will get wealthy because the worth of the dollar will increase. If I travel to the past, it will be unsafe because it will be common to the executed.So it would be safe in the future.

Response: Beijing Winter Olympics 2022

Winter Olympics – Questions



Highlight the correct answer for each question.




1)  Where, and when were the first Winter Olympic Games held?

  1. a)  1924 – Olympia, Greece b) 1944 – Chamonix, France
  2. c) 1924 – Chamonix, France d)  2022 – Beijing, China


2) Which two years were the Winter Olympics NOT held?

  1. a) 1928 and 1932 b)  1998 and 2002
  2. c)  1840 and 1844 d)  1940 and 1944


3) Why were the Olympic Games not held those years?

  1. a) They ran out of snow b) World War II
  2. c) World War I d) Covid-19


4) Which current sport is descended from the discontinued sport “Military Patrol” ?

  1. a) Beihai Park b)  Tiantan Park
  2. c)  Tiananmen Square d)  Cornwall Park


5)  What are the FIVE original sports of the Winter Olympics?

  1.  Bobsleigh
  2.  Curling
  3.  Ice Hockey
  4.  Nordic Skiing
  5. Skating


6) After being made the hosts of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, what was Beijing the first city to do?



7) The Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 were held between which dates ?

How many days is that?

15 days  (Feb 4-Feb 20)